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GOSH: Nail Glitter Pots

Hey girliiiees. I warned you that i had a lot of posts coming up!! I thought i would get a few posts in before the next fortnight or so, as i have a feeling i will have a bit more uni work on my hands.
I've been treating myself to all sorts of stuff i don't really need just recently, and this GOSH Nail Glitter is one of them. I don't really have an explanation or any reasoning behind this purchase.. except its pink, and it glitters. Need i say more?

GOSH Nail Glitter in "Rose Quartz"

Ohhhhhhh don't we all just love a little sparkling pot of fairy dust. It was a toss up between this colour and the darker pink, after muchos umming and arring i decided to opt for the baby pink.
I love the little box it comes in.. It's quite a small pot so the packaging is only tiny, but i always find miniature things cute anyway..

I've had a really good lazy Sunday today. Work absolutely knackered me yesterday so i decided to treat myself to a day of general moping around the house and blogging... and testing out this pot of glitter. I was going to go the whole way and do my entire nails in this, until i realised that during the week i also picked up a new nailvarnish, 'Collection 2000 - Siren', a fabulous barbie pink colour with a slight iridescence to it (I've had it before but it had gone all gloopy, so i rushed out to get another).

So. I took it as my chance to try out the 'one glittery nail on each hand' trend.

Overall, i really like the outcome of it. It's like a glitter polish but without the trouble of re-applying coats and coats of it to get it to look super glittery. The only downside is...
Its bloody messy!

You have to apply a coat of clear nail varnish, and basically dunk your nail (the only way i can really describe this motion :)) into the pot. Sounds simple. But the pot is just a tiny bit too small so you have to sort of wiggle it around to get it to coat the whole nail. Once coated you just leave it to dry before brushing off the excess glitter. It's quick and easy and your nails are covered in glitter in no time.. and so is your worktop...and floor..and your hands..and your face. Obviously, being a pot of glitter, this can be expected (it's also quite finely milled too - but i like that).

Now, i love a bit of glitter but flippin'eck, it's extremely easy to get this everywhere very quickly. I ended up wasting quite a bit of product (it might just be me being clumsy), and to say it's quite a small pot anyway i didn't really want to waste any glitter-bits. I also wouldn't suggest you attempt to apply a top-coat on your nails after this, you will just end up with a gloopy-glittery-mahoosive mess. But the glitter itself gives a lovely finish and stays on fairly well without the need of a top coat anyway (provided you don't work in a shoe shop..like myself).

I just wish they had put a little removeable sprinkle top on the pot..just to make applying it a little bit easier.. But it's just a little niggle really.. i will most probably be using this again. The colour of the Rose Quartz shade reminds me of Barry M's "Pink Iridescence". I likes it. Even though i do have it all over my face right now :)

Have you tried any of these glitter pots? or will you be sticking to glitter nail varnish?

Hope you've all had a fabulous weekend.

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