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A Festive Cuppa | Teapigs 'Spiced Winter Red Tea' (& 20% off!)

Teapigs | Spiced Winter Red Tea | £4.49* for 15 bags | Link

Yep.  I just hung a tea bag from a Christmas tree.  Something I never thought I'd do but blogging doesn't half make you do some weird things.  If it isn't hanging tea bags from random decorative ornaments, it's swatches half-way up your arm or trying to balance a selection of products in your 'claw hand'... Moving on - bit of a different post from me today.  Sorry to the loyal coffee fans out there - or those of you who simply don't drink tea, but I love a good cuppa. I must admit I'm a bit of a tea belly. I have one every morning when I'm doing my makeup and it's something I reach for when I'm in need of a bit of a perk up.  I can't say I'm the most adventurous with my tea - it's usually just milk, no sugar (more on the 'builders' side than weak and pale...let's get specific here...) with the odd green tea thrown in for good measure when I fancy a bit of a detox.  So when the lovely people at Teapigs asked if I fancied trying some of their festive tea - I was quite intrigued to say the least.  I'm a sucker for a Christmas drink - something about the cold weather and twinkly lights has me reaching for the kettle like a crazy tea lady. So, as soon as this adorable little box arrived in the post, I whacked the kettle on and settled into the sofa almost straight away. But what did I reckon?

First off - the 'Spiced Winter Red Tea' is like Christmas in a mug. No word of a lie. Just as it says on the box, it really is 'log fires, happy cats and old movies on the telly'. It's the smell of wintery comfort! As soon as you pop the boiling water in, the cinnamon, orange and warming spices hit your nostrils and the water turns a beautiful deep shade of maroon.  You simply pop a tea bag in and let it infuse for about 3 minutes.  I don't pop any milk in because I quite like it as it is - but the box comes with little hints and tips to make your own latte - it even recommends a teeny bit of brandy if you're feeling particularly festive!  I thought it would be too strong for me at first - the smell when it's infusing is undeniably quite strong. But once you sip it, it's actually quite a gentle, soft taste with just a hint of spice. I love the fact that there are tiny bits of the leaves left in the mug after you remove the bag.  They really have captured everything about the festive season in a teabag.

It's not something I'd usually review on my blog, but I couldn't resist! I'd definitely recommend having a look at the Teapigs website if you're a bit of a tea belly like myself. They have some fab flavours to try - the 'popcorn' tea sounds like a winner to me! Definitely a place to go to if you fancy a little tea treat.  Their whole company ethos is really lovely and all of their packaging is beautifully designed (geeky graphic design-y side of me coming out to play there...apologies!) They also use whole leaves in their tea bags - meaning that none of the flavour is lost through being overly processed or chopped.  I'll definitely be trying some more of their tea in future - if you know someone who is a fellow tea-fan then it's worth having a look at their website here.  They have a little Christmas gift shop on there at the moment if you're after a last minute stocking filler! A little selection would make a lovely gift! (not hinting at all)... 

I currently have a little discount code for you all which is valid until the end of December - so still plenty of time left to give Teapigs a try! For 20% off (excludes cheeky deals, mix & match and match kits) simply enter 'XMAS13' at the checkout :) 

Have you tried Teapigs?  What's your favourite festive hot drink?

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