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Kyle Rttenhouse lawyer Lin Wood promises to sue Joe Biden for false deceptive ad and eluding to people as White Supremacists

 Ed West 

     Kyle Rittenhouse and his famed legal team vow to hammer the hammer and sickle candidate after Joe Biden put a video of Kyle protecting property and calling him a radical militia movement

member as the false narrative of this old racist Joe Biden against his own people continues and Rittenhouses attorney vows to put a quick en to this new ad by the wicked members of Biden's campaign team. Attorney Lin Wood says Joe Biden's latest attack as and videos of patriotic Americans standing together against the left-wing mob that Biden supports and defending historical statues is a symbol of White supremacy and hatred and the Biden campaign may have to shell out a ton of money to Kyle

Rittenhouse and his family for the smear as Kyle was invited along with others by the business owner to stand his ground and help protect the businesses threatened by the radical Communist followers of Joe Biden. Joe Biden is a liar and doesn't know the situation why patriots and proud boys would take to the streets and this ins mainly to counter the evils and confront the Marxist destructive of false "peaceful protests" and for Joe Biden to continually refer to the peaceful protests when deceiving the people of their real purpose and this is to give cover of darkness to the Anarchists in our society to extort and threaten communities business owners and Joe Biden is a cruel wicked nasty old man part of this plot to destroy communities and spread hatred and street violence and looting.

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