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  • milo
    Jul 14, 03:22 PM
    A new Mac Pro for $1799? Not bad people!!!! In essence Apple is cutting the price of the current Dual Core 2 GHz G5 PowerMac by $200..... The same price as it is on the EDU store.

    Amen to that. Especially when you look at the dell site and see that their tower with that same CPU costs about $2400.

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  • brayhite
    Apr 25, 02:01 PM
    I think this IS a privacy issue. That data could end up in the wrong hands. Does anyone store a text document on their iPhone with a list of their bank details and passwords? No, because it could end up in the wrong hands. So could this data that's being collected.

    This data shouldn't be recorded without permission, no matter what's being done with it.

    And the next time somebody calls you, make sure you get their permission to store their phone number. Don't want to record their data without their consent.

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  • 0815
    Apr 27, 08:17 AM
    I actually thought looking at a history of where my phone has been on a map was kinda cool. Bummer.

    Yes - I was hoping when they 'fix' this that they will leave an option in the settings to keep that data - I absolutely enjoyed browsing through the data and revisit my trips that way (and sometimes wondering 'what the hack did I do in that location?)

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  • dante@sisna.com
    Aug 18, 04:53 AM
    Untill the cooling-solution starts to leak fluids, that is ;)?

    Not likely to happen.

    I have used liquid cooling setups in my PC's that were not nearly as well built as the AC Delco inpired Quad G5 without any problems for more than 5 years running.

    Besides, my $99 a year apple care will more than cover this.

    There are minimal to no reports of problems with the Quad G5 cooling system. I've run 3 of these for nearly 9 months with no problems.


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  • gugy
    Aug 6, 01:48 PM
    "The Name Mac Pro is our Trademark, not Apple's"

    good luck for you.
    I would not put up a fight against a giant like Apple.
    Plus, I don't see having a computer named Mac Pro would interfere with your business in a bad way. Actually, I think it would be good thing for you.

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  • Bill McEnaney
    Mar 1, 05:00 AM
    What I do is none of your damn business. And your opinion has no bearing on my life. Why you feel the need to tell others what to do is beyond me. Take care of your own house, let me take care of mine.
    I don't want to know what Lee does. I've said what I believe. I haven't told anyone to do anything.

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  • magbarn
    Apr 7, 11:45 PM
    Good for Apple on this. One less retailer over charging for their products. I hope they pull the Apple stores out all together and find a new retail partner.

    What 'new retail partner'? Kmart? BB is the last big box electronic store nationwide in the US. There's a few Fry's/Microcenter's around, but those are far and few in-between.

    I got the call for the ATT 64gb I had reserved with the $100 gift card a week ago. Had to waste a work-day going to BB as instead of the '48 hour hold' I originally thought I had, the manager said they were in some 'trouble' with Apple and said he could only hold my reservation for a few hours as Apple did not like them holding the ipad 2's in reserve.

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  • wpotere
    Apr 27, 12:31 PM
    I suspected it was a copy, I've never trusted the president, and I probably never will.

    Wow... You tap dance worse than Trump does. Just say it, you NEVER liked Obama and never wanted him as president. So your comments earlier were nothing but a lie.

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  • Multimedia
    Aug 27, 02:59 AM
    I already have those stats, I want to see them drop in a high-end Conroe (~3GHz) so I would know that I could feasibly upgrade my 2GHz Core Duo in the future. It's possible, isn't it? I mean, the G5's were really hot, and the iMac enclosure could handle that, wouldn't the new Intel ones be able to handle the Conroe Extremes?I think you might be able to put a Merom 2.33GHz in there without much trouble. But I dont' think Conroe is pin compatable with your iMac. :)

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  • sth
    Apr 12, 02:24 PM
    Any news about what time the presentation will be?

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  • smiddlehurst
    Mar 31, 03:15 PM
    Emphasis on the important bit for those who didn't bother to actually read the article. If you want to wait a bit, you can get the code and do whatever you want. Well that's my reading of it anyway, but please, don't let get in the way of giving the new enemy number one a good kicking.

    Except Google have made it very clear with Honeycomb that they're not willing to release the source code for the foreseeable future so 'a bit' could be a lot longer than you'd think. More to the point that does manufacturers very little good. If, f'instance, Google decide to only release a version of Android as open source when they release the next version any manufacturer wanting to use it is going to have to grab the open version, make whatever tweaks they want, get it on a device, get it built in bulk and launch it into the relevant sales channel(s). By the time they do that Google is likely to have released another version of Android and they'll be hopelessly out of date.

    Make no mistake about this, Google tightening up on the Android T&C's like this makes it almost impossible for anyone outside of Google's control to launch a device that really competes with the manufacturers who are on the inside track, at least from an OS point of view.

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  • NATO
    Aug 15, 04:49 PM
    Interesting results, definitely makes me want to rob the local bank to buy a 3.0GHz Mac Pro :p

    Spotted something amusing when browsing the barefeats page, an ad for the Apple store advertising 'The New Power Mac G5 Quad - Shop Now' ... Not so new now :p

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  • ChickenSwartz
    Jul 27, 11:49 AM
    Since the WWDC is focused on developers, wouldn't it make the most sense for Apple to do all of the chip transition announcements plus the Leopard preview at WWDC...

    This seems to make most sense to me. Obviously developers care about the OS. But introducing a line of "Pro" machines with the newest/best processor (maybe a new look?!?) seems intuitive at a developers conference but who knows.

    I sit waiting anxiously. For me, I hope there is a new MBP with Merom by the time school starts. If they changed nothing but the processor I would be happy...it seems they have worked most of the kinks out (whine, etc.) by now.

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  • wesk702
    Jun 9, 09:48 AM
    I just wanna preorder already

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  • Rend It
    Aug 5, 05:42 PM
    I'm finally excited about Apple again! After the MacBook Pro quality issues and the underwhelming iPod Hifi announcement, I was starting to feel a little let down. Now, I just chock it up to a lull in output due to the Intel transition. I don't think WWDC will be the panacea that some want it to be, but I think Leopard alone will be enough to make us happy. Think about it:

    -The first "from-the-ground-up" universal binary Mac OS
    -True 64-bit support (yeah, the Core 1 Duos are 32-bit, but by the time Leopard is released, new models will have chips with 64-bit extensions).
    -Redesigned Finder (I hope)
    -Adjustable screen resolution (again, I hope)
    -others that we may not even know about!!

    Beyond that, I'm sure we'll see the Mac Pros, Xserves, and display updates. Maybe, and only maybe, we'll see a small update to the MBPs to Merom and features like magnetic display latches already in the MacBook.

    And from a purely aesthetic standpoint, how does it make sense for Apple to put the IR sensor on the case of the Mac Pro? In terms of Human interface, isn't it much more desirable to point the remote at the display? It would only require a USB connection. Finally, I think if there's any support for Front Row in the Mac Pros or Xserves, then the displays must have built-in iSight.

    Just my 2 cents. :)

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  • iKenny
    Aug 7, 11:37 PM
    Well I for one was kind of disappointed. Leopard is sort of Apple's chance to prove they can out-Vista Vista, and I'm not really sure what we saw today does it. I've been following Vista somewhat closely, and it really does catch Windows up to OS X in terms of features and prettiness.

    I really think most of the features shown off today are already present in Windows (I've definitely heard about all of them before) or will be in Vista, and it's too bad Apple didn't have anything truly innovative to show us. Hopefully those secret features are something good...

    The other thing that has me a little concerned is the huge amount of Vista-bashing that went on. I feel like if Leopard at this point were truly better than Vista, they'd be silent about Vista entirely and let the new system speak for itself. That would be really slick. That's not what happened however, and instead there was a lot of "look what Vista copied from us" and "check out how much better Leopard is." What I saw today, though, makes the former statement sound whiney and the latter sound foolish, since in my eyes, in terms of features, they're about on-par with each other.

    I really hope Apple pulls it together. They've got to do this right, because come next year, most of the myriad reasons for switching to a Mac will be nullified by Vista.

    BTW: whoever this "Platform Experience" guy is, get him off the stage and go back to Steve.

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  • ChazUK
    Apr 20, 11:18 AM
    The Galaxy S phone with the closest and most striking resemblance to the iPhone is easily the international i9000 version.

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  • LagunaSol
    Apr 11, 04:24 PM
    Browsing the Internet, Calendar, Checking Mail, Listening to songs, Texting, Multitasking, Notifications, Cut-Copy-Paste, ability to open and use Office files, basic tools like Currency converters, To-Do lists etc. These are what i believe encompasses in a "smartphone", and here's the newsflash: Android OS meets them perfectly.

    "Perfectly?" Really?

    I can do everything you listed above in iOS just as well as Android - and in many cases better - except in the area of notifications. An area in which iOS truly does suck. How Apple has not yet fixed this boggles the mind.

    The iPhone was late on MMS, Multitasking, Cut-Copy-Paste, and now it's going to be a notification system.

    If you're going to use "late" as a barometer of success, Android was "later" than iOS at doing just about everything else.

    Plus, browsing the internet and checking mail is much better on a bigger screen.

    Yep, like an...iPad? :p

    I feel the App Store is just an added feature, and that's why i'd get an iPod Touch for.

    Of course. Those bajillion apps, most of which completely destroy Android in quality, are an unimportant aside.

    Android OS already has the "smartphone" features down, and they're just working on the bonus features such as the Android App Store.

    If Google thinks like you - that the App Store is merely a "bonus feature" - this war will be won by Apple.

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  • tekmoe
    Sep 19, 07:38 AM
    apple store isn't down yet. I don't expect it today like a lot of people do

    i agree. i think the store would have went down already. next monday has got to be it.

    Apr 12, 02:25 PM
    BTW, apparently this site is doing live blogging:


    That's about all I could find.

    Aug 6, 11:08 AM
    My predictions:

    MacPro: quad woodcrest @ 3GHz, 1GB ram standard, two high speed video card slots, ATI x1900, or NVIDIA 7950GX2, for first time, ATI FireGL boards available as BTO.
    XServe: dual woodcrest, larger hard drives
    Airport: "pre-n" announced, ships on new MacPros, available in 6 weeks for standalone devices, upgradable when standard is formalized
    Leopard: preview, all of OS now 64bit able, still runs on 32bit machines. Takes full advantage of GPU. The usual slew of apps updated.
    XCode: updated to 3.0, API for project files made available, various "features" (ie bugs) fixed

    Not happening:
    iPods, iPhone

    New displays and updated "pro" apps will happen at NAB in April. However Steve may announce that all Pro apps are now universal apps. Also, he will hold over the quad G5 in the line-up until Adode has all of their apps universal.

    Apr 11, 02:13 PM
    If it is going to be a 4g/LTE iPhone then this works for me. I have no complaints with my iPhone 4 so waiting another 4-6 months is fine with me.I don't follow components closely, but I've read the current LTE chipset is none too svelte and power-hungry to boot.

    If a delay's about LTE (and giving more time for tower rollout), it could be because Apple's sourcing next gen LTE radio (if one is near), keeping the device "thinner, faster, longer-running," consistent with current evolution and marketing points.

    And for the record, neither Sprint's WiMax, T-mob's HSPA+ nor either Verizon's or ATT's LTE 1 come close to meeting the evolving, but existing spec (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/4G)for "4G"

    Aug 8, 11:40 PM
    i don't know, i still think the Gran Turismo series is the best as far as real driving simulation. by far. and the number of copies sold backs that up
    If sales are the judge of a games greatness, then Mario Kart on the Wii is the greatest racing game of all time. No doubt about it. The number of copies sold backs that up. Sorry GT.

    Mar 31, 10:56 PM
    I have 2 friends with android, one with an HTC and one with Samsung Galaxy S.

    They have different OS versions since they aren't able to update it, they get crap bugs and error in almost every software they use. I say to one of them to update to lastest version, he told me he can't because he need to do it from "root"... i don't know, but at least i was able to install WhatsApp on their phones, the only thing i care :-P Naturally they are using their device at minimum, few software and one of them neither have 3G connection. When we are at pub, they all use my iPhone for browsing and gaming (sigh) as always has been.

    lol I think your friends may have some serious mental disabilities. jesus christ you're making it sound like android is unusable lol

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