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Natalie Dormer and Lena Headey


Natalie Dormer and Lena Headey

Natalie Dormer and Lena Headey were co-stars on Game of Thrones. There was always a bit of a friendly rivalry between the two ladies. They were always claiming to be more popular than the other with their fans and with their colleagues. Things escalated between the two to the point where they began to challenge one another. It was not a fierce rivalry and they were still close friends, but it was something that they always carried on between one another. There came a point when they decided to directly challenge one another. They were egged on by their colleagues on the show. Someone suggested that they should put their popularity to a vote and that there should be consequences for the loser. They were both a little reluctant. The results may be quite unpredictable. It was a risk for both of them. Still, neither wanted to back down, because it would have made them look as though they knew they would lose. Their co-stars then suggested that there should be something tangible at stakes greater than bragging rights. They then suggested that as a prize, the winner should get to mess the loser. The two women looked at each other in shock. They could only laugh, but both did not really like the sounds of that. Again, they could not be seen to back down so they both agreed. They then began teasing the other about how much they couldn’t wait to win and to mess the other.

The vote was held online. The fans were asked to vote for which was their favourite. They were given a week to vote. The ladies spent all week preparing. They both dreaded the thought of losing, both because of the mess and because of the humiliation that they would suffer at the hands of their laughing colleague. On the other hand, the idea of embarrassing their friend by dumping sloppy mess all over them was very appealing indeed. Both women were quite dignified. Getting sloppy mess dumped over them was not exactly something that they would be looking forward to in the least.

Finally the day arrived. Both ladies were incredibly nervous. They were not given any indication of how the vote was going along the way. The results would be a complete surprise to them when they were announced. All of the cast and crew were gathered around for the announcement. There was a special device set up for the occasion. It was called the gunge guillotine. It was similar to the pie guillotine. The victim would lay down on the device. The top bar would be lowered around their neck, holding them in place. Mess could then be dropped our poured all over the person’s prone body. It did not look at all pleasant. It did tie into the medieval theme of the show though very nicely.

Lena and Natalie gathered in front of everyone along with one of their colleagues who would be announcing the results of the voting. “It is the time that we have all been waiting for,” he announced. “The results of the vote are in. We have a clear winner. We know what will be happening to the loser.” He motioned to the guillotine behind them. The two ladies blushed and giggled hiding their faces in their hands. This was so embarrassing for them. They were both very worried at this point. “I can now reveal that our winner with 69 percent of the votes is.. Natalie.” Natalie jumped up and down. She was very relieved. Lena bent her knees and buried her face in her hands. She blushed bright red. Natalie pointed at her and laughed. “It’s time to take that walk,” she remarked.

Lena had no choice but to follow around to the device. She sat on it as the bar was raised. She then laid backwards, putting her arms at her sides. The bar was then lowered around her neck with a clank. She was all set up. Natalie looked overjoyed. She was incredibly excited. Lena looked above her. She was completely at Natalie’s mercy at this point. Natalie laughed and rubbed her hands together.

It started with pink gunge that was in placed on a platform that was over Lena’s face. It was attached to a thin rope. Natalie took the rope in her hands. She leaned over and said to Lena,” Sorry, babe, but this is going to be amazing.” She then yanked the rope as hard as she could. A small trap door above Lena’s head flew open and the gunge above was flung all over her face. It dripped down her head and down her neck. She could do nothing both wiggle her nose and mouth. Everyone cheered as the gunge fell over her face.

Next, Natalie got the chance to dump more mess all over Lena. These were props from the chow. They were wooden buckets. The first few were filled with pig slop. Natalie smiled as she lifted one of them up. She slowly swung it in her hands before flinging the slop all over Lena. It fell all over her body and her face. It splashed all over the place, in all directions. Natalie then took a second bucket of slop and slowly tipped it all over Lena’s body. She moved it slowly back and forth, dumping the foul smelling, yellow slop all over Lena as she went along. There was a third, smaller bucket of slop. This one she placed over Lena’s head, dumping the slop over and leaving the bucket in place on her head.

There were still several more buckets to go. The next one was filled with gruel. This one had a large wooden spoon as well. She pushed it towards Lena’s mouth, forcing her to taste it. Lena stuck her tongue out. It was dark grey. It looked a bit like wallpaper paste. Natalie then dumped the gruel all over Lena.

The next bucket was filled with manure. Natalie displayed it for all to see. They all laughed riotously at the sight of this. Natalie then gleefully dumped the disgusting, thick brown manure all over Lena. Lena closed her eyes. She could only recoil at the humiliation and the smell of what was happening to her. She was completely covered in muck now.

Finally, Natalie dumped a bucket filled with feathers and other rubbish and debris all over the slop covered Lena. This stuck all over her as if she had been tarred and feathered. Lena recoiled at Natalie’s absolute delight. She had taken a great deal of pleasure in this for sure.

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