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Stalker Dude...

This afternoon my parents came for a visit. Dad had a dental appointment so Mom stayed with me to visit. We decided to take a ride out to the country to look at a house that was being built by my neighbors. So we're heading back into the neighborhood and I'm driving my Dad's truck. I noticed the red Dodge in front of me and said to my Mom look who is ahead of us. She didn't get my point and I told her it was stalker dude. I said lets see what street he turns on and sure enough it was my street. I slow down really slow to watch and see what he does. Sure enough he brakes in front of the house and is checking it out. My Dad says follow him. I did but from far behind. He made the block and headed out the main road but... he turns onto another block and pulls into a driveway. I come down the street really slow to get a good look and I warn my Dad that he better not roll down the window and say anything. He gets two bags of groceries out of the jump seat and walks to the front door. I'm thinking at least I know he lives in the neighborhood, and now I have his LP, and know who he is dating. Hubby looked up the address in the phone book and the name comes back to being a girl I went to school with. I also have three people that can place him in front of the house when he shouldn't be. I mentioned what was going on to the neighbor across the street and he has also seen him. I wonder how long this freak has known where I lived....
So I'm thinking I'm going to wait and see what happens this weekend before I go to the cops.

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