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Yeah, but is it Art?

Hobbying in the 41st Millennium...

Well it has been quite a while since my last post in September, and as much as I hate these lame "life's got me down" posts, Life has been kicking my hobby squarely in arse lately.  Personal health as well as helping care for the health problems of my parents (Plus neither can drive right now) along other fun stuff thrown in have effectively conspired to suck any life or enjoyment out my hobby during the Fall of 2012.

Probably my biggest disappointment was my total failure to complete my La Bricole Painting Challenge entry.  (Or give any support to my fellow entrants.)  Every time I set aside time to work on Blucher and the gang, another trip to the hospital, etc. had to be made.  Even when the family drama seemed to finally die down for a bit, those Prussian chaps had been sitting on my desk for so long I didn't even want to look at them anymore.  Either way, be sure you can check out the fine work by some of the other folks on the La Bricole forum here.  Congrats to everyone on their great entries!

 Posting pics of unpainted minis on your blog is not sweet...

Well along came my friend Eric reminding me it is that time of year for our annual Halloween battle and things started to pick up a bit.  (I'll post some nice pictures of our battle on October 28th in a day or two.)  The "Warhammer" distraction actually helped me recock my enthusiasm for my 1813 Prussians.  Both Eric and I hope to get going on our armies in November, so with a little luck I'll have some actual painted stuff to share this month.  :-/

In the meantime looking for a bit of inspiration, I've come across a couple of videos of past Golden Demon Slayer Sword winners (Maybe you've seen them already).  In the absence of any worthy contributions to the gaming blogosphere, I offer up these two videos to you dear reader for your visual entertainment.  Truly these are pieces of miniature art.  Enjoy!

Just amazing in so many ways!

Scary, gross, but certainly amazing!

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