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Wordless Wednesday

Ok, so this is supposed to be wordless (hence the title) but since it's my first, I thought I'd give a little intro. I'm going rogue here and wording all over this Wordless Wednesday. 

Apparently all over the World Wide Web bloggers participate in something called 'Wordless Wednesday," which basically means they post a picture, maybe with a title or caption, but no story (on Wednesdays). Since I've been incredibly busy lately, I think a Wordless Wednesday is exactly what the doctor ordered. And Amanda hasn't sent me the photos I took her on camera that I need for a post about Evan's birthday.

So, without further ado, this (sort of) Wordless Wednesday is inspired by my dear friend V, who kicked ass in the Boston Marathon, then whipped up an amazing batch of Cake Balls (a silly delicious little confection she discovered on Bakerella.com).

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