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A Look Back Over 2012 & My Hopes for 2013

When I look back on 2012 there's alot of positives to take from it. I've done so much this year that I'm very proud of indeed.
First off I joined Slimming World way back in April, when I started I would never of imagined that I could achieve so much in a short period of time. In my first month, I lost 1st 3lbs which I was literally ecstatic about it. Every week I was excited to go to class to see how I was doing. I started doing Slimming World Updates here on my blog after the first month. I wasn't too sure if I wanted to put my weightloss journey out there but I'm so glad I did. You guys have been such and amazing support and to read your comments on those posts seriously make my day To see some people go as far as saying I'm a inspiration to them is very overwhelming it has to said. I'm happy that people that something from it for themselves though too, I know how hard it is to lose weight. I had tried so many weightloss programs and none of them worked for me. When Slimming World came along I wasn't too pushed on going until my Mom said what can it hurt to go and give it a try. I'm so glad I listened to her in the end, she's such an amazing person and I owe alot to her. Since I started way back in April I've lost over 6st which is insane! I couldn't be happier, it is hard work but once you get into the program I found it's all plain sailing from there.

At the end of July I went over to Manchester to do a PR Internship. I yapped so much about this when I was going so I'm not going to tell you guys what you probably already know. I really enjoyed the whole experience. The people I worked with were so sweet and I took so much out of  my time there.While I was there I went to a see Team GB play in Old Trafford which was amazing. I'm big into football if you didn't know already, I've been to Old Trafford before to see United play. They lost that game to a fairly terrible side so my boyfriend may say I'm not a good luck charm when it comes to seeing his favourite side win. I went to see Morrissey in the MEN too.  Before I went I wasn't the biggest fan but now it has to be said I love the man. The gig was amazing and seeing as he doesn't play them too often, it was great to experience him sing live. I went to two other amazing concerts during 2012, Florence & the Machine and The Cribs. They were both amazing live, definitely two acts that I would love to see again. I also did alot of shopping in the space of ten days whilst I was in Manchester, surprise surprise. I always feel that the makeup is so much cheaper over there. There's some brands like Sleek and Look Beauty that you can't get over here, so I love picking up some bits from them. I've been to Manchester three times now and it's definitely a favourite destination of mine. I think I may plan another trip over there very soon.

Last but certainly not least I've met some amazing Irish bloggers throughout the year. It's so nice to meet someone when I've been reading their blog for so long. There's so many Irish bloggers, old and new now and I enjoy reading all their blogs. The Beauty Blogging Community is huge and I love how it's such a friendly community and everyone is so welcoming. I can't believe I'm going to be blogging two years at the end of April. It's true what they say, time goes fast when your having fun. I hope to meet some more of you this year, it's so nice to meet like minded people who love all things beauty related too.
Looking back over my 2012 Goals post I was happy to see that I accomplished some them. This a why I prefer to write up some small goals as opposed to a New Years resolution as I'm not likely to fail on these. This year I put a bit more thought into my goals and came up with this list.

Take Chances and stop being so indecisive 
In simpler terms take more risks. When it comes to making big choices I never can decide what to do so I definitely want to take more chances this year.

I have a couple of holiday destinations I'd love to visit in 2013. One of them being Paris. I went back when I was 13 so of course I don't really remember it too much. My boyfriend and I are thinking of going before Summer so watch this space. If I do go I'll take lots of pictures to show you guys!

Save money and use up more makeup
pretty self explanatory this one! Being a makeup addict I doubt I need to buy any more makeup this year. This is never the case though, I always cave and buy new things I don't need.

Blog Regularly
with college and the like I know this may be pretty difficult but I'm hoping to get at least 3 or more posts up a week. I think this is manageable with my current work load so any more posts than this and I'll be happy.

Learn another Language
I've always wanted to learn another language I took French in school and I remember loving it. I hope during 2013 I can improve on my French and also brush up a little on my Irish. Both my Brother and my Sister can speak fluent Irish so let's just say I'm a tad jealous!

Continue doing Slimming World and hopefully reach my target by the end of this year!
As you all know 2012 has been such an amazing year for me when it comes to weight loss. I join Slimming World back in April and since then I've lost over 6st. I'm on cloud 9 at the moment about it, it still hasn't sunk in. The only issue I have is getting new clothes all the time, my bank balance is seriously declining.

Pass my Theory Test and Finally Learn How To Drive
This has been a goal of mine for an awfully long time and I've never gotten around to doing it. I don't know what it is every time I go to organise my Theory Test I end up putting it off for one reason or another. I think I may be just scared that I won't pass but finally this year

Get College over and done with
I was lucky enough to head back to college this year. I'm doing a Diploma in Marketing, PR,Sales and Advertising and so far I'm really enjoying it. I think doing the PR Internship in Manchester during the Summer of last year really showed me what line of work I'd like to get into in the future. The assignments I have been given has really taken up alot of my time so that's why I guess I haven't been blogging as frequently as I would like to.

Read More
I'm a big book worm if you didn't know already and I have a mountain of books to read. I have a Kindle but I like physical books to fill my shelves with at home. My Aunt's friend gave me the full  Game of Thrones book series recently, I can't wait to get stuck into them as I've been hearing really good things. All the books seem to be huge so I know it's going to take me some time to get through. I'm hoping to start doing some more book reviews and my blog, it's something that I know I'd enjoy alot.

I have some really exciting things planned for 2013 which I can't talk about yet but when I can you'll hear it first here. I'm looking forward to seeing what else this year has in store for me. I'm hoping to get tickets to see Ed Sheeran in concert next weekend so maybe that will be my first gig of 2013. I just wish the tickets weren't ridiculously expensive.

What's your hopes and dreams for 2013?


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